(Interview with Prof. Reynaldo Lugtu, Jr, by Sam L. Marcelo, Special Features Writer, BusinessWorld, published July 31, 2006) The bundy clock is a throwback from an era that primarily used time spent at the desk as a measurement for an employee's productivity. In those days, working always meant going to the "office" - the physical space that ensured interaction between management and the rank-and-file. Working in the same environment allowed supervisors to swoop in unexpectedly and literally read over someone's shoulder to see if a report was being done correctly. being in the same place also made it easier to instill a sense of belonging and company loyalty, and employees could mingle at the proverbial water dispenser, swap ideas, or indulge in tales from the rumor mill. While wireless connectivity does not automatically mean that employees will never darken their office's doorstep, it does mean flexible hours and less opportunities for "bonding with cowork...
This blog features a collection of my articles, essays, and research studies on business, management, and social issues and subjects published in local (Philippines) and international publications. It also includes selected speeches and talks to academic and professional audience. (The views and comments in this blog do not reflect those of my past, present, and future employers)