(Published in Business Mirror under Mirror Image column, June 23, 2010) Sixty thousand barrels of oil a day, according to US government estimates, are being spilled into the ocean as a result of the Gulf of Mexico oil leak, which started in April. According to senior officials, this is the worst environmental disaster the US has ever faced, and there is no end in sight until relief wells come into operation, probably in August. British Petroleum, which operates the leaking oil well, said the disaster has already cost it $2 billion. The number of claimants, standing at 64,000, is still growing as the oil continues to spew from the broken wellhead. The damage to the environment will entail huge amounts to repair. In the investigation of the US House of Representatives, BP’s CEO was accused of being oblivious to the risks of his company’s deep-water operations; he said he was “deeply sorry” for the catastrophic Gulf coast oil spill. A closer look at the root cause reveals a combin...
This blog features a collection of my articles, essays, and research studies on business, management, and social issues and subjects published in local (Philippines) and international publications. It also includes selected speeches and talks to academic and professional audience. (The views and comments in this blog do not reflect those of my past, present, and future employers)